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Listing Number 135969

Price: $112,000


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Ad number 135969

Listing Number 135969

Price: $112,000

Contact Jerry Gates for more information

listing 135969

Property Information

  • Offered by: Jerry Gates
  • Key Realty  
  • Location: Lewisville, AR
  • Address: 5 Lafayette 7002 Riad
  • Category: Residential
  • Property Status: For Sale
  • Bedrooms: 2
  • Baths: 2
  • Square Footage: 938
  • Lot Size: 0.75

Purchase your dream camp right on the bank of beautiful Lake Erling! Lake Erling is known for its world class crappie fishing. This property comes with its very own deck right out your front door! The trailer house is move in ready, you can be camping in no time.

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Contact Jerry Gates for more information

Or call: 870-226-3858


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