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Below are the results of your property search for Member ID - 20248 records 1 to 4 out of 4 total records found.

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View Listing 135959 Julie Shiery $0  Ad number 135959

Residential • Jefferson City, MO
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Return to Julie Shiery's page • RE/MAX Jefferson City • Added: 05/29/2024 View Details

View Listing 135960 Julie Shiery $0  Ad number 135960

Residential • Jefferson City, MO
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Return to Julie Shiery's page • RE/MAX Jefferson City • Added: 05/29/2024 View Details

View Listing 135968 Julie Shiery $0  Ad number 135968

Residential • California, MO
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Return to Julie Shiery's page • RE/MAX Jefferson City • Added: 06/11/2024 View Details

View Listing 135853 Julie Shiery $0  Ad number 135853

Residential • Jefferson City, MO
4 Bedrooms • 3.5 Baths • 3,858 Sq. Ft.
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Return to Julie Shiery's page • RE/MAX Jefferson City • Added: 12/08/2023 View Details

Blue Stripe

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